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Memoirs of a Psychic


It was the first time Claire had ever come to see me and contrary to her stylish business outfit the tall and beautiful 25 year old looked rather nervous and somewhat out of sorts. She handed me a Karma Birthday gift voucher which her best friend had purchased for her and it was then I realised she felt obligated to have the session with me.

I wished her a happy birthday, offered her a cup of coffee and then gently eased her into the session by explaining the parameters in which my Guides and I work within, well mostly anyway ... I didn’t want her bolting for the door and screaming down the passage in a panic.

Once I started she seemed to settle down quite nicely and was very impressed and intrigued with the accuracy of my Guide’s information, until it came to the topic of her love life. Here she physically baulked at my prediction, sitting way back in the chair and smoothing out her tailored pencil skirt she immediately crossed her legs and stubbornly said, “Karma, my father was a down-and-out drunk, and I can assure you that I will NEVER EVER marry a drinker, e-v-e-r! I am in a stable and happy relationship and he doesn’t drink at all, or have any ‘beer mugs’ around him! I love him to bits, and we’re currently working towards setting a date for our engagement.”

I explained to her that she might be misunderstanding me, and then this time, more slowly, I went through the images I was receiving about the man she was going to marry. The Guides were clearly showing me that she was definitely going to marry a man who had literally hundreds of beer mugs around him. I saw different country’s flags and different shapes associated to these beer mugs. The man came across as considerate and loving, which didn’t make sense to me as most alcoholics are self absorbed, and I told her that! I felt he was within six years older than her and the letter M and the number 3 was of major importance.

We had a few minutes left and I went on to another topic. Claire was gracious upon leaving and felt very confident with most of the reading (besides the relationship prediction); she thanked me and wished me well.

Follow Up:

Claire contacted me four years after our session and shared this with me.

“Within a short while - about a year - after I came to see you almost everything came true on your reading, except for the relationship information. Anthony and I continued to be together and even set our engagement AND marriage date. I was over the moon with happiness, and I couldn’t believe that life could get any better. Then after a year of being engaged, and just seven weeks before my wedding day, I found out that Anthony and his sales assistant were having an affair on the side. I was totally devastated and called off the wedding then and there. The stupid idiot even tried to justify the affair by saying that it was only a sexual thing and nothing else! Like that’s going to do it for me?!

Anyway after all the embarrassment of contacting the wedding guests, facing my family, and explaining to his parents that their son was a jerk (I used stronger words), and losing a lot of money on all the deposits, I swore off any type of serious dating for over a year.

Getting on with my life and working hard (yes, in the specific career you told me about); within myself I was battling to come to terms with the “unpredictable” flow of life. My friends were my rock through all of this, but were increasingly getting concerned about my ease and comfort with my new hermit-type life style. One night I agreed to meet up with them in a restaurant for a ladies night out. In my mind I had already decided to only have one drink, a quick meal and to leave early. But that didn’t happen...

... Somehow within the vibe of great friendship and good music, and of course Dutch courage from the first tequila, I started enjoying myself. Really enjoying myself! So much so that just after midnight I was on about my eighth drink and heavily flirting with the restaurant owner. From then on it is a bit of a blur, and embarrassing ... to say the least. I was told the next day that I apparently told them all to go home and to leave me with my newly discovered ‘love of my life’. They all had jobs to go to in the morning (so did I, but I didn’t manage to get there), and my one friend knew the owner quite well, and all of them (in their semi-intoxicated state) felt it was okay for me to have a good time. The owner apparently had told them he’d drive me home.

What I remember next is not pretty. I woke up feeling sure that I’d been mowed down by a tractor, but worse than this I didn’t recognise the bed or the room I was in. Totally scared and confused I stumbled into the adjoining bathroom and saw the horror looking back at me from the mirror. I quickly drank some water and splashed my mascara run face. A man’s voice trailed in from the bedroom and asked me how I would like my coffee and also enquired if I was alright. When I turned to walk back into the bedroom I saw that it was the same man from last night. I couldn’t even remember his name! Thank god I had all my clothes on; this made this very awkward situation ‘slightly’ easier. He explained that ‘nothing had happened’, and that about a half an hour after my friends had left he locked up the restaurant, and brought me back to his place because I was incoherent and couldn’t even properly explain to him where I lived. Needless to say, I drank the coffee quickly as he took a shower to get ready for work. My car was still in the parking lot when we got there, I politely mumbled some sort of thanks, and drove off homeward bound (probably still legally over the limit).

For weeks thereafter he bugged my one friend to get my number, but I had told her that it had been a big mistake on my part and that I would never forgive her if she gave it to him. I remember her asking me if in fact I ‘did’ like him on that night. I clearly remember replying, “Yes, but that’s got nothing to do with it.”

A week later at work I received a huge box of chocolates wrapped in a white ribbon, with no accompanying card. When I opened the box, one chocolate was missing from the top tray and in its place was a tiny folded piece of paper (like that of a Chinese fortune cookie) and it read: “If you ever feel that there’s something missing in your life – call this number 064 3299 7308 and ask for Malcolm – I can promise you lunch – but no tequila, we’re still out of stock!”

It took me two weeks to build up the courage (no tequila this time) and I met him at his restaurant for lunch, first to apologise for my bad behaviour on the night in question and secondly to see if I still found him cute. He was quite the gentleman in accepting my apology, and yes... I still found him cute. We started off slow, a few text messages here and there, some light lunches and some steamy phone calls. I was starting to really fall for him and after about a month he invited me to his home for a barbeque with some of his friends. This time I made sure I was on my best behaviour! I pushed his doorbell and when he opened his front-door I couldn’t believe what I was seeing... row upon row of varying beer mugs stacked along shelves on either side of the entrance passage. He said his father was an avid collector of beer mugs from all across the globe. His father had passed on two years earlier. I have no recollection of seeing these beer mugs on my hasty exit from his place on that dreadful morning, months back.

I put your guide’s information of the beer mugs and the other bits out of my mind as I truly (this time around) wanted to get to know him, without any ‘prejudices’ or ‘preconceptions’. What a gorgeous man he is, and yes he is loving and considerate, and he is older than me by 6 months, and he is the M in Malcolm, and we got married in March (the number 3 - third month).

Thank you Karma, I still haven’t quite figured out how you or your guides do it? But I’ve resigned myself to believe that there is a little bit of ‘magic’ out there, and some people just have more access to it than others. You make me believe ... and that’s a good thing!”

Karma’s World